Keyworker Time

Keyworker Time  

Each child has a keyworker who will set aside time to spend with your child.  Your child’s keyworker will help your child during the settling in process and will be the person who gets to know your child best.  They will observe, keep records and monitor your child’s progress and feed back information on what your child has been doing in person or via Tapestry - our on-line learning journey.  The keyworker will work with both you and your child to ensure your child’s care and educational needs.  You can ask to speak to your child's Keyworker at any time.

Your keyworker will be introduced to you when your child first comes to the setting. 

All the Aunties work with all the children – not just their Keyworker children – to allow the children to develop relationships with all the Aunties – but your child’s Keyworker will know your child best.